This post is all about the best lymphatic breast massage for healthy breasts.
Lymphatic breast massage is one of the best ways to keep your breasts healthy naturally. Massaging your breasts regularly can be an amazing way to release tension, tenderness, and fluid build-up.
When was the last time you gave your breasts attention? I know for me, I used to never pay attention to my breasts. Then I learned about breast massage and I realized how much I had been neglecting my breasts!
You’re going to learn all about lymphatic breast massage from lymphatic breast massage benefits, to lymphatic breast massage techniques, and more.
This post is all about the best lymphatic breast massage for healthy breasts.
The Best Lymphatic Breast Massage
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What is a Lymphatic Breast Massage?
A lymphatic breast massage is a type of massage that clears lymph from the breasts.
The lymph is drained into the armpits to release it into the bloodstream and excreted from the body.
Why Should You Perform a Lymphatic Breast Massage?
Our lymph system does not have a pump. It relies on the contraction of muscles in the body to move.
We can help our lymph move by exercising, massaging, dry brushing, and gua sha.
The breasts are located next to the underarms, which contain many lymph nodes.
Our breasts must drain lymphatic fluid into the underarms so that toxins and other harmful substances are filtered from this area and moved out of the body.
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Performing lymphatic massage on your breasts regularly:
- Ensures good breast health
- Improves circulation
- Promotes lymph flow and drainage
- Rids the breasts of toxins
- Promotes oxygen and blood flow
- Alleviates pain and swelling
- Clears stagnant energy
- Increases self-love
How to Massage Your Breasts
You can massage your breasts in the shower, after a shower, in the morning, in the evening, or whenever you have a few minutes to spare.
I like to perform a lymphatic breast massage after my shower because I’m already moisturizing my body so why not give myself a breast massage during this time?
You will want to make sure you have some glide for the massage.
You can use a natural, organic oil or if you’re in the shower you can use the glide from all-natural soap and water.
The lymph system is located just underneath the skin’s surface, so you will not want to press deeply. Use very light pressure while you massage and move slowly and gently.
You can watch my tutorial below and follow along with me!
1. Drink plenty of water before and after the massage sequence.
2. Clear your lymph nodes by placing one hand inside your armpit and pumping upwards. Switch sides. Pump each area about 10 times. Remember to breathe.
3. Pump your fingers above your clavicle bone 10 times.
4. Make a peace sign and pump around the ears 10 times.
6. Move lymph fluid from the back of your neck to your collarbone by placing your hands behind your neck with your elbows straight out in front of you. Bring your hands forward towards your collarbone. Repeat 5 times.
7. Make a peace sign and stimulate above and below the collarbone 5-10 times.
8. Massage the top of the breast moving from the sternum to the armpits. Always drain to the armpit so that you’re not bringing the fluid back into the breasts. Repeat 10 times. Then, massage underneath the breast moving your hand towards the side of your torso up to the armpit. Repeat 3 times.
9. Make prayer hands and do some big sweeps up and around your breasts.
10. Grab each breast into your hands and give them a few gentle shakes up and down. This is a really nice movement to get everything flowing and release stagnant fluid and tension.
11. Place your hands on your heart. Breath. Place your hands on your breasts. Breath. Bring positive energy to this area. You will notice you feel lighter, calmer, and better overall.
It is best to do this practice daily. Breast massage is very safe; however, it’s best to consult with your doctor if you are unsure if breast massage is right for you.
Have you tried lymphatic breast massage? Lemme know in the comments!
This post was all about the best lymphatic breast massage for healthy breasts.
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Benefits Of A Breast Lymphatic Drainage Massage. Nala.
“A Lymphatic Self-Massage for Your Breasts.” YouTube, uploaded by The Chalkboard Mag, 12 Nov. 2021,
Gainsley, Lisa Levitt. (2021). Book of Lymph. New York. HarperCollins Publishers.
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