Want to know all the secrets to having a healthy lifestyle plan? This post covers all of the best strategies for having a healthy lifestyle plan you will stick to in the new year.
Creating a healthy lifestyle plan is no easy task. It’s honestly a lifelong process that you’ll always be tweaking as you learn new things.
These 30 habits are things that I personally do and have found great results in my own life. I know that if I have experienced positive effects from them, then you will too!
After learning about these healthy lifestyle habits, you will be ready to conquer all of your health goals for 2025.
This post is all about the ultimate 2025 healthy lifestyle plan.
Healthy Lifestyle Plan
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1. Meal Plan
If I didn’t meal plan I’d be running to the store every day or eating out all the time because I’d never know what to cook!
That sounds too chaotic and stressful, so making a meal plan for the week is important. This way you know exactly what to buy and cook.
It will help you eat healthier and save you time and money.
2. Journal
This may seem like a tedious task to some, but it can be so helpful to get your thoughts on paper.
Whether you need to make a big decision or you need to get your emotions out, journaling is a very healthy way to clear your mind and make you feel better.
3. Exercise Every Day
I know most of us feel like “we don’t have time” to exercise, but you will if you make time.
Instead of watching Netflix, go for a 20 minute walk! Sign up for group classes, exercise with a friend, or subscribe to an exercise app.
There are endless ways to exercise, so you can find something you enjoy doing every day!
4. Eat Animal Based

The plant-based diet is a scam.
Eat more good quality fish, meat, eggs, and dairy. This food is the most nutrient-rich and bioavailable for humans.
Once you eat more animal based foods, your health will improve dramatically.
{RELATED POST: The Ultimate Animal Based Diet Food List: What To Eat Daily And What To Avoid Completely}
5. Put Salt In Your Water
Are you drinking a lot of water, but you have to pee every 30 minutes? That means you’re not hydrating properly and you’re actually dehydrating yourself.
Adding a pinch of salt to your water will solve that problem immediately. Your body will be able to retain the water you’re drinking and you will feel more energized and quenched.
You don’t want to use just any salt, though. Use a salt like Redmond Real Salt.
Their salt “is a natural mineral sea salt, left as a deposit from an ancient sea during the Jurassic period. The minerals from that sea were captured within the crystallizing salt rather than settling out separately as occurs with other salt deposits.”
How cool is that?!
It’s also free from any modern day pollutants that other salts are exposed to. Redmond calls their salt ‘pre-pollution’ sea salt, so it’s the purest around!
6. Surround Yourself With Positivity
2025 is not the year to keep hanging around negative people. Try to surround yourself with positive people who lift you up and make you feel good.
Negativity will only hold you back from your true potential. Embrace positivity and you will thrive.
7. Eat A Protein Packed Breakfast

Eating a breakfast full of protein will keep you fuller longer, and your blood sugar will be more stable throughout the day. This will help you stay focused and you’ll avoid the mid-day slump.
My favorite protein-packed breakfast includes meat and eggs with a little fruit on the side to satisfy my sweet tooth.
{RELATED POST: 7 Super Yummy Animal Based Breakfast Ideas To Keep You Full For Hours}
8. Always Keep Learning
Keep your mind sharp by learning something new every day.
You can learn every day by reading, listening to podcasts, watching documentaries, or following educational people on social media.
Choose something you’re interested in and learn something new about it!
9. Take Magnesium
At least 75% of Americans are deficient in magnesium. This affects our sleep, immune system, muscle functions, and so much more.
Taking magnesium will have a drastic effect on your health and you’ll feel so much better.
I take magnesium before bed and I notice how much better I sleep. I also feel more calm and my muscles are less tense.
10. Prioritize Sleep
Do you scroll at night? Are you choosing your phone over your sleep? It’s time to change that habit.
Try putting the phone down at least 45 minutes before bed and prioritize going to bed and getting a full night’s rest.
11. Go Outside

We’re not meant to be trapped inside all day. Go outside and get some fresh air and sunlight. Notice how much better you feel in your mind and your body.
12. Practice Gratitude
It’s so easy to only see what we don’t have and compare ourselves to others. By practicing gratitude, you can be thankful for what you do have and feel more fulfilled in your life.
My favorite way to practice gratitude is by using a gratitude journal like this one:
13. Stretch
We always hear about how we need to exercise, but what about stretching? Stretching is just as important as working out!
Just 5 minutes of gentle stretching a day can help you feel so much better because we build up so much tension in our bodies on a daily basis.
14. Treat Yourself
Treating yourself can be a great way to show yourself some self-love. Take yourself to a movie, buy that outfit you’ve been eyeing, or give yourself a cozy at-home facial!
Do what makes you feel good and cared for.
{RELATED POST: How To Do A Holistic Facial At Home (Better Than The Spa)}
15. Disconnect From Your Phone
It’s so easy to get sucked into our phones and scroll endlessly. Practice time away from your phone and focus on being present.
Some simple ways to disconnect are to read a book, go for a walk, or meet up with a friend.
16. Eat At Home
Our parents were right, we do have food at home.
Eating out less will help you live a much healthier lifestyle. You can control what goes into your food and give yourself nourishing meals that your body craves.
17. See A Therapist
Having a professional to talk to drastically improves your mental health. They can help you solve problems and look at things in a whole other way than you could ever realize on your own.
This will help you become a better version of yourself. Who doesn’t want that?!
18. Use Clean Cleaning Products
Are you cleaning with toxic chemicals? If so, it’s time to trash those and opt for non toxic cleaning products.
Luckily, there are a lot of good brands out there that have effective cleaning products without any harmful chemicals.
Here are some of my faves that you can use for all your household cleaning duties:
19. Limit Processed Foods
This one is pretty obvious why it’s not healthy for us. Humans are not meant to consume such highly processed foods and it leads to an array of health issues.
Opt for whole foods in your diet and you’ll start to heal.
20. Declutter Your Home
Do you notice that when your home is cluttered, you start to feel out of sorts? Take some time to declutter your home and notice how much better you feel.
When your home is organized, you will feel more clear and put together.
21. Limit Alcohol
Alcohol is a toxin, so it’s best to avoid it. If you still want to drink, do it on special occasions and limit drinking when you’re home.
Opt for a fun mocktail instead! @holisticcocktails on Instagram has so many fun recipes you can try that are delicious yet still good for you.
22. Listen To Your Body
Our intuition knows what’s best for us so it’s important to listen to it. Do not ignore it.
Embrace what you’re body is telling you to do and you will be rewarded.
23. Limit Refined Sugar
Just like alcohol and processed foods, we should try to avoid refined sugar as best as we can.
It’s better to consume organic maple syrup or raw honey as a healthy sugar alternative, not to mention it tastes so much better!
24. Carve Out Time To Relax
Everyone needs downtime to recharge. Make sure you’re carving out some time to relax and rest.
It’s easy to get caught up in a busy lifestyle, but having moments of relaxation is crucial for your well-being.
25. Take A Social Media Break
I remember the days when social media didn’t exist. It’s kind of sad to know that my generation (Gen Z) is the last to know what life was like before social media.
It’s important to take a break because we all get sucked into that world and lose touch with reality.
Try doing a weekend detox. Spend time with your friends and family and notice how present you are without the distractions of social media.
26. Use Non Toxic Skincare
A lot of you know by now that I’m a holistic esthetician, so this one should be a given!
What goes onto your skin MATTERS! Our skin absorbs whatever we put on it, so it’s important that your skincare routine is non toxic.
27. Unfollow People That Make You Feel Bad About Yourself

Whenever someone makes you feel bad on social media, unfollow them. You don’t need that in your life.
You need people that lift you up and make you feel great about yourself.
28. Practice Self Compassion
Be kind to yourself and give yourself grace. You are your own worst enemy sometimes, but it doesn’t have to be that way!
Don’t make yourself feel bad. Be caring to yourself like you would be to your friends.
29. Keep An Open Mind
Those who keep an open mind are always growing and becoming better versions of themselves.
Try not to close your mind and be more open to different views and ways of thinking.
30. Go Slow
Starting a healthy lifestyle plan is not going to be accomplished overnight. Go slow and incorporate new habits one by one. I know it is hard, but you got this! I believe in you🤍
Have you tried any of these healthy lifestyle habits? I’d love to know in the comments!
This post was all about your ultimate 2025 healthy lifestyle plan.
How To Change Your Lifestyle To Be Healthy (11 Lifechanging Tips To Start Right Now)
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