Want to know some of the best healthy habits to start right now? These are some of the best healthy habits you can start asap!

If you’re anything like me, you love learning about new healthy habits to start implementing into your routine. As a holistic esthetician, I’m always trying to find new ways to stay healthy, so I’ve made a list of the 8 best healthy habits you can start doing today so you can live a healthier lifestyle.
This post is all about the best healthy habits to start right now.
Best Healthy Habits To Start Now
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1. Go Outside At Least Once A Day
It can be hard to find time to go outside when most of us are trapped inside 95% of the time; however, not going outside harms our health. We need to make time to go outside even if it’s just for 10 minutes a day!
Spending time outdoors has many incredible benefits including:
- relaxing our nervous systems
- decreasing blood pressure
- decrease feelings of anxiety, stress, and anger
- better sleep quality
- increase vitamin D levels
- boost immune system
- increase positive emotions
- increase life expectancy
- reduce cancer risk
- improve symptoms of depression
There are so many ways to enjoy the outdoors and get that essential time in nature. I love taking my lunch break outside, going for a run, or just sitting on my porch with my cat. It’s the best!
{RELATED POST: 11 Personal Health Habits Everyone Should Start Doing In 2024}
2. Put Your Phone Away An Hour Before Bed

If you like to scroll on your phone right before bed, try putting it away at least an hour before you go to sleep. Trust me it helps your sleep quality so much!
I used to have that same bad habit, but once I started putting my phone away an hour or more before bed, my sleep quality dramatically improved.
I had fewer weird, crazy dreams and I wasn’t waking up constantly. Putting your phone away an hour or more before bed will enable you to sleep longer and deeper, which is critical for good health.
3. Read A Book
Reading keeps the brain in tip-top shape. This is SO important because our minds start to go as we age. Just like we exercise our bodies, we have to exercise our minds!
Reading books can help prevent cognitive decline, improve memory and concentration, and increase our critical thinking skills. It also gives us time to recharge and take a break from all of the stimulation we encounter on a day-to-day basis.
4. Try New Foods

Eating a variety of different foods helps us stay as healthy as possible because each food has different nutrients it supplies to the body. That’s why it’s good to try new foods and find new ones you love to eat!
5. Consume Warm Food and Drinks
According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), consuming icy cold food and beverages contributes to:
- Excess mucus and phlegm
- Tension
- Bloating
- Poor circulation
- Painful menstrual cramps
- Headaches
- Weakened immune system.
Drinking food and drinks that are warm or hot is easier on our digestion. They also help keep the body relaxed and ease sore joints.
TCM also states that consuming cold food and drinks can weaken the stomach and spleen. These organs are important for immunity. They fight infection and disease, so keeping them warm by consuming warm or hot foods will keep your stomach and spleen working properly.
6. Try Magnesium

Most of us are deficient in magnesium because of our diets, farming practices, and other factors. Magnesium is a vital nutrient that helps with muscle soreness, joint pain, sleep, and anxiety. It also helps if you have restless legs and cramps during the night.
I started taking magnesium before bed and it has significantly helped reduce my anxiety and improve my sleep quality. I also notice my muscles are less sore after my workouts. It’s definitely a must-have in your wellness routine!
7. Carve Out Time For Hobbies and Passions
Carving out time to do what you love helps immensely with mental health and emotional well-being. It gives us a break from the demands of life and reduces stress levels. It also helps us grow and improve upon ourselves.
I’ve seen a lot of people on social media take up crocheting as a hobby which is a perfect example. It’s a fun creative outlet where you can learn and expand on your knowledge. It’s also very relaxing and can be a fun social activity to connect with other people who like to crochet, too!
Whatever your hobby or passion is, make time for it because it’s a vital part of your wellness routine!
8. Stand Up For Yourself

You are the only one who is going to look out for you. Stand up for yourself and have your own back. This will help you immensely when it comes to setting boundaries and taking care of your needs.
This can be really hard if you’re a chronic people pleaser (trust me I know the struggle), but once you start fighting for your needs you’ll see how much better your quality of life can be.
This post was all about 8 healthy habits you can start implementing into your life right now.
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