Want to know what the 5 best natural alternatives to botox are? These are the tried and true healthy alternatives to botox.

These natural alternatives to botox seem too good to be true, but they really work. As a holistic esthetician, and someone who cares a lot about what goes into my body, I’ve never been a fan of injections.
Before entering the beauty industry, I instinctively knew Botox, fillers, threads, and other methods used to prevent aging were not the answer. Now that I have the education to back up my instincts, I can share with you my top 5 natural alternatives to botox!
These healthy alternatives will give you the same results as Botox, if not better.
This post is all about the best natural alternatives to botox.
The 5 Best Natural Alternatives To Botox
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What is Botox?
Most of us know Botox helps smooth wrinkles, but what exactly is Botox?
Botox, also known as Botulinum toxin type A, is a toxin derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Let me repeat: it is a toxin. Although medical professionals declare it is “safe,” it is the same type of toxin that causes botulism, a deadly disease.
Botox paralyzes and weakens targeted muscles and nerves to prevent movement. For example, when you get Botox injected into your frown lines, you will be unable to move the corrugator muscle, therefore you will not be able to frown and cause wrinkles.
This sounds good, right? If I cannot move my face, then I will never get wrinkles!
Well, not exactly.
The fact is our muscles need to move. Movement is our best way to prevent and slow aging. Movement is natural and Botox is preventing this natural function. It is not addressing the root cause of aging. It is just a quick fix that is very expensive and very unhealthy.
Botox is also temporary. You have to keep getting injections because the results only last for a few months.
This leads us to wonder, what are the risks of injecting this toxin into the skin?
Side Effects of Botox
- Pain
- Swelling
- Ptosis
- Pigmentation
- Redness and inflammation
- Flu-like symptoms
- Headache
- Neck pain
- Indigestion
- Eye irritation
- Thinning skin
- Allergic reactions
- Vision problems
Side Effects of Natural Alternatives To Botox
- Graceful aging
- Healthy, radiant skin
- Improved facial symmetry
- Better posture
- Increased self-esteem
- Reduces stress
- Calms inflammation
- Increases collagen and elastin production
- Reduces pigmentation
- Helps clear acne
- Relieves tension
- Enhances blood flow
- Brighter, more even skin tone
Natural Alternatives To Botox
1. Face Yoga
It is essentially a workout for your face. It helps lift, tone, and strengthen the facial muscles.
2. Facial Massage
This helps relieve muscle tension. When muscles are tense, it creates wrinkles.
3. Face Taping
Kinesiology tape is designed to mimic the skin. It lifts the epidermis to enhance blood, oxygen, and lymph flow. These nutrients help keep the skin healthy and wrinkle-free.
4. Gua Sha
This ancient traditional Chinese medicine practice uses a healing stone to massage the face, neck, and chest.
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5. Red Light Therapy
Red LED light therapy goes deep into the skin cells to stimulate collagen and elastin production. This smooths and prevents fine lines and wrinkles.
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Real Results
Instead of just telling you about natural alternatives to botox, I wanted to show you what they can do!
I reached out to Yana Kezhaya, a Beauty Coach who focuses on natural face rejuvenation. She is certified in Face Yoga, Face Massage, and Face Kinesiology Taping.
She uses her platforms on Instagram and Youtube to teach people how to age slowly and gracefully!
These are her real results using a combination of face yoga, face taping, and facial massage:

These pictures were taken 4 years apart. In just 4 years, Yana looks like she has aged backward at least 10 years!

Can you see the difference? I definitely can!
My Personal Results
I developed ptosis back in early 2018. It was a result of wearing contact lenses.
It’s very rare to develop ptosis from wearing contacts, but because I tend to have big reactions to things my body does not like, I developed ptosis in my left eye.
I went to a few doctors and they all said surgery was my best bet, but I didn’t want to do that. I felt like that was a very extreme route to take!
The more I researched about ptosis, the more I understood that my levator muscle was weakened and I just needed to strengthen it.
I threw away all my contacts, bought a new pair of glasses, and started implementing facial massage, face yoga, gua sha, and face taping. These were my results:

April 2021

July 2023
As you can see in my 2021 photo, my ptosis was so bad that sometimes I could barely see out of my left eye. Usually, it got like this by the end of the day when my levator muscle was too tired to hold up my eyelid.
Now in 2023, my eyes are almost symmetrical. I have had no surgery or injections. The only things I did were facial massage, face yoga, face taping, and gua sha.
Although the lighting is different in my photos, you can still see how my overall face has changed.
This post was all about the 5 best natural alternatives to botox that give unbelievable results.
How a Skin Reset Can Completely Change Your Skin
My Incredible Transformation Using Danna Omari Gua Sha (The Before and After Is Jaw Dropping)
How To Do A Holistic Facial At Home (Better Than The Spa)
Botox. Medline Plus. https://medlineplus.gov/botox.html.
Botox (Botulinum Toxin). Cleveland Clinic. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/8312-botulinum-toxin-injections.
“Botox Fatal Conveniences,” The Darin Olien Show. Spotify, April 2022., https://open.spotify.com/episode/00BVhhVku0LcSlsqeMqJOg?si=456fa3cab15f4ec6.
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