This post is all about the best dental care routine.
Did you know that having a good holistic dental care routine impacts your whole body, including your skin? When you take good care of your teeth, your overall health will thrive.
As a holistic esthetician, I take oral care seriously because if you’re struggling with skin issues, it could be linked to your oral health.
I’m going to take you through my exact dental care routine that got rid of my tooth sensitivity, bleeding gums, and even reversed a cavity.
After reading this post you’re going to want to throw away all of your conventional oral care products and switch to this amazing dental care routine ASAP!
This post is all about the most incredible holistic dental care routine.
Holistic Dental Care Routine
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Morning Oral Care Routine
This is my dental care routine I do every single morning as soon as I wake up:
1. Coconut oil pull
Coconut oil pulling is so nourishing for the mouth. It’s also a natural teeth whitener!
Coconut oil pull for about 10 minutes first thing every morning. I’ve noticed such a big difference in the health of my mouth by doing this every day and my teeth have never been whiter!
2. Tongue scrape
Tongue scraping is the best mouthwash alternative. It gets rid of all the nasty gunk and bad breath bacteria, without killing any of the good bacteria.
3. Salt water rinse
Rinsing with salt water has an alkanizing effect on the mouth. This helps create an environment where bacteria struggle to survive. It can also help with bad breath!
You might be wondering why I don’t brush my teeth in the morning.
According to biological dentist, Dr. Seb, brushing your teeth twice a day could be too abrasive, especially if you have sensitive teeth like I do, so I always brush my teeth once at night!.
Evening Oral Care Routine
This is the oral care routine I do every single night before bed. No matter how tired I am, I will never skip this routine!
1. Salt water rinse
I like to start with a salt water rinse to give my mouth an initial cleanse.
2. Floss
Next, it’s crucial to use non toxic floss to clean in between the teeth. Even if you can’t see any food there it’s so important to floss! Bacteria can build up so easily and cause problems down the road if you don’t floss regularly.
I’m not really a string floss person so this is my favorite floss I like to use:
Here are some other great flossing options according to biological dentist, Dr, Burhenne:
3. Brush teeth
When brushing your teeth it’s super important to use a very soft toothbrush. This velvet toothbrush is the best toothbrush for everyone including children!
It contains 13,000 ultra-soft, finely frayed filaments so it gently removes plaque and buildup without being abrasive.
When I tell you it feels like you’re brushing your teeth with a cloud I seriously mean it! I love this toothbrush so much I have yet to find anything better (and I don’t think I will).
You should also be using a really good non toxic toothpaste. The one I’m using currently is an ozonated toothpaste and gum gel.
Ozone is deeply cleansing and helps to kill all of the bad bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
This ozonated toothpaste got rid of my bleeding gums and my teeth are never sensitive anymore!
4. Tongue scrape
Tongue scrape to clean the tongue and get rid of bacteria, plaque, and food buildup from the day.
5. Salt water rinse
Lastly, finish off with another salt water rinse. Your mouth should feel super clean and fresh!
Have you tried any of these non toxic oral care products before? What does your oral care routine look like? I’d love to know in the comments!
This post was all about the best holistic dental care routine this holistic esthetician swears by.
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